Friendly, Funny & Uplifting
Yellow Out Loud!
Brazen, bubbly and bright, yellow’s energy is forward moving, and transforming. The darkness disappears once you turn on the light, and the sunny yellow ray is certainly a welcomed ray of sunshine. Our center of power, Solar Plexus chakra is located just above the navel, and oversees the flow of energy there as we digest the events of the world around us. This energy center helps us to burn, metabolize and process the constant stream of energy we involve ourselves with into usable parts and building blocks for our road ahead, or stepping stones for our Earth walk. Burning and churning to understand our outer messages in order to create useful new bits of directional messages, the solar plexus center is like our guiding lantern for what our individual selves would choose to experience next. Shine on you unique being of Light!
Step by Step
Nutrients within the Yellow band of energy to uplift and brighten your tummy!
Yellow Phytonutrients
Manipura Chakra meditations, visualizations and bij mantras to assist you on contemplating your navel
Crystals for assistance with balancing the Solar Plexus…
Yellow Ray Minerals
Kitchari is a very nourishing meal made from rice and lentils as it’s base. This combination is a perfect protein and is used in traditional clearing and cleansing in Ayurveda.
So simple and easy, a poultice of warmed castor oil on the belly is an age old healing practice for very good reason!
Laughter is contagious and transformative. One of the fastest ways to switch a dreary mood is to start laughing about it! Comedy is King!
Cleansing, anti-inflammatory, and metabolism boosting, ACV will help you break down and flush out gut stagnacies, as well as drop excess fats from the body.