Higher Harmonics
Inbetween Worlds
Dawn and dusk have a magic glow. A few moments of ultraviolet mist descends, as the day becomes night or night becomes day. No doubt there is something different in the sensory experience in this space, and many sensitives will tell you that this is the space when otherworldy beings are most easily percieved. Elementals populate this frequency and the blending of dimensions is strongest. Slow down, open your childlike joyful openmindedness and allow the critical mind to rest. Could it be that you’ve been “adulting” to hard? Maybe your elemental or interdimentional guides or contacts are calling you, hoping you’ll answer! Ultraviolet would like to melt your mind. Your overthinking or rigid tendencies may be overriding the innate magical nature of your True soul essence. There’s more to create here than you may have allowed yourself to accept quite yet, but I suspect this to shift the instant you say Yes!