
Playful & Connected

Aquatic Connections

Cyamtics means that geometries are created through sounds. Song, music or mantra all impress specific shapes within the plasma field we occupy as well as the water that sustains our physicality. Sound is a connection medium, even sounds that are beyond our range of hearing. Hence, the communication that is possible through our technological devices.

Are you noticing ways you could be more fluid in your communication style? Is there room for playfulness and laughter when you engage with others in your sphere of influence? Turquoise wants to dissolve densities and allow for more flow.

Marine Bounty

Treasures of the deep. Turquoise leads us towards the minerals of our oceans, and the plant life within. To soak, and swim within the oceanic plasma, saturated with life giving, life supporting minerals & light codes resets our nervous system, regulates blood pressure, and nourishes our skin. Our largest organ is our skin, and it breathes. Transdermal respiration is optimized when we remember to offer ourselves the whole, clean foundational products that are availble to us.