Reflective, Healing & Protective
Silver Screen
Connected to infinite Light, Silver reflects the unconscious, subconscious illuminations. Dreamy and silent, silver prompts intuition and watery emotive movements. Old film was made with silver, hence the term “Silver Screen”. Movies, reels of memories and nostalgia playing in the background of your mind are here in the silver frequency.
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver is a topical and ingestible way to naturally clear the system of harmful microorganisms. Colloidal means the particles are extremely small, and float in a homogenous state within the distilled water medium. Natural antiboitic properties and antibacterial properties make colloidal silver a staple for the home healing toolkit!
Silver Linings
Every cloud has a silver lining. This is a phrase we’ve all heard before. Some might say it’s cliche or maybe even unrealistic, but I believe it is an idea filled with more realism than the pessimistic alternative. One person can look at a cloud and only see a storm, while another person could look at the same cloud, and only see the light emerging from behind it. Same cloud, two opposing experiences. This is the magic and mystery within the understanding of perspective. Small shifts in viewpoint changes everything.
“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the Light gets in.” -Leonard Cohen
According to A Course in Miracles, a miracle is nothing more than a shift in perspective. This is truly miraculous to remember when things feel stormy. We all have jurisdiction over our choices in how we look at things. By reeling your mental energy back, reorganizing the use of your energy into a more optimistic knowingness, you’ve cashed in on the life hack that spills silver all over everything else.