Opening the Door
Your guidance system is always with you, but must be called upon to act more intently in your physical life. As humans we tend to forget about the spirit world since we have been conditioned to focus on the 3D tasks of daily life. There has been a program within the collective consciousness which asserts that dense matter is the most important or “true” aspect of reality, and that we are alone within the task of navigating through this dense physical world of matter.
Prayer is a key that opens the door to your assistance from the vast (unimaginably vast) spirit world. Earnest asking always draws answers and, not to be undersold, Miracles! According to A Course in Miracles, a miracle is nothing more than a shift in perspective. How simple, but profound that a call out for a new way to experience or see a troubling situation in your life fundamentally changes your perspective by placing you as the observer of the problem. To observe it, will preassume that there is an aspect of you that is already above the situation, and leaves room for a shift. Praying for assistance is humbling because finally you are acknowledging the fact that you can’t (and truly never are) the only one in charge here.
Surrender is such an underrated experience in our current culture. The energy of letting go, asking for help, and allowing life to flow forward as it will, is to acknowledge Grace as a Truth within the human experience. Almost too omnipresent and interwoven within all things to catch, but directing the fabric of our lives in every second. Stop, be still, remember there is a powerful team on your side just waiting for you to start the conversation. Just engage.