Living Shield


13 Resonations

What is it?

Imagine millions of etheric microorganisms landing on your auric field and linking with your frerquency to create a pre-biotic functional protective membrane or smart living filtration system for your individual physical and energetic bodies.

Through a joyful, and remote personalized ceremony, relationship is created with the benevolent assistance that is seeking you. This is a celebration of mutual reception (with you and your etheric helpers:) and a new beginning! Over the following 21 days, you will connect and familiarize with these etheric beings by acknowledging them and accepting their gifts. Gifts like transmutation of unneeded densities, alignment with one’s highest good as a passive magnetic state of existence, and the agreement to repel or reflect back to Source any frequencies that are other than Loving.

Set aside 1 hour to receive your Living Shield application ceremony and consultation. After your treatment is complete, you will receive an image of the crystal grid that was created as the offering portal for this union celebration, which can be worked with as an energetic tool.

Your Living Shield treatment will remain in an incubation state for the next 21 days following the day of your treatment as you will be reading aloud (this is key) the agreement of transformation that you receive once your treatment is complete. Think of this as taking a probiotic supplement for the health of your gut. Reading your statement of agreement of transformation each day, twice per day (first thing in the am, last thing before bed) will anchor the vibrations of the intention we have set together into your energetic field to create a new regenerative program in support of your highest good.

Living Shield was downloaded in January of 2022. Each Full Moon of 2022 I have created ceremony to enhance the original connection, and carefully crafted updates that support specific aspects of our evolving biology and consciousness. New Earth is our collective birthright, and as we together involve ourselves with the planetary upgrades and ascension processes, the more loving and supportive our reality matrix becomes.

You were born for this.

Your voice and gifts are essential.

Living Shield and the 13 Resonations were made for this experience we are having together, and are meant to increase comfort, soul growth and grace through each phase.

  • Living Shield Application

    Step one of the Living Shield Application process is opening your imagination to new ways of interacting with your inner and outer world. Benevolent Life-supporting frequencies and beings surround you and create your personal force-field tailored to your highest good and supportive of your core missions. By intentionally engaging with these beings and frequencies, they dance and celebrate! Daily acknowledgement encourages their proliferation, and all layers your energetic system are uplifted and cleared to allow more and more of your Soul’s Light to shine brighter everyday.

  • February 16 2022

    Just 2 days after Valentine’s Day, our Full Moon in Leo will keep the hearth and Heart fires burning. Cozy up to the idea that all aspects of our symbiotic biological life here with Gaia involves remembering that all energies are somewhere on the journey of going home to Source. When encountering a frequency that is lost or has reached the end of their “job contract” we may kindly guide that energy out of our immediate sphere, and point them Home. This month’s statement will support this process.

  • March 18 2022

    Last full moon of the astrological year, this full moon in Virgo is a feeling of enjoying what we have gathered so far in our lives, as well as what our bloodline and ancestry has gathered for us. You are the culmination of the gifts and lessons of your physical lineage, and this month we will be celebrating the rich tapestry of lush talents, and spectral experiences their human lives provided as they, step by step, created the foundation upon which you now stand.

  • April 16 2022

    First Full Moon of the Astrological New Year! This Libra full moon is about balance, specifically our electrical charges which initiate and make possible our movement in the physical world. Polarity exists within our bodies as an interplay of opposites, positive and negative electrical charges. This month we focus on soothing and supporting our inner fires by connecting with both concepts simultaneously! Yes you can embody a pair of opposites at once, and when we hit that sweet spot of allowance and begin to flow freely, we Glow!

  • May 16, 2022

    This Full Moon in Scorpio was a Super Blood Moon lunar eclipse, and brings with it an intensity of purpose, focus, and directed transformation. This month reminds us that all varieties of life are valuable, and worthy of fierce protection. There are 2 sides to every coin, and both can be loved equally. Rose is to Thorn, as Snake is to Venom. Beauty is everywhere. All poisons are medicine. When we burn down, only the Truth remains. Truth + Voltage + Heartfocus = Magic!

  • June 14, 2022

    Sagitarius’ Full Moon feels warm, stimulating and freeing. One pointed focus into the Heartspace of photonic generatation uplifts the physicaltiy and unfurls our wings. Orbitally rearranged m-state molecules are ever present in the plasma field we occupy, and this month we entrain with that innate motion and motivation. I trust my path, I Fly Home with every breath.

  • July 13, 2022

    You are the driver of your own ship. The guru is you! This month, initiatory action floods forward, and carries your life in brand new directions fully supported always by the anchors of our physical matrix. Four elements, Four directions solidifying your actions into experiences. This month the Full Buck Moon is in Capricorn, and Cardinal energies push onward. Life is New NOW!!

  • August 11, 2022

    Bounty, Beauty and Big Bold fruity feelings. This month, we remember that all things are in a state of pure potentiality, the seed becomes the endlessly fractalling giver. Emotions are the clay for the sculputural artwork of your life, so dig in, and mold the things you want with the juiciness of your senses. Creation is endless…

  • September 10, 2022

    Down the drain swooshing to the watery depths goes all the material you no longer need. Be it physical, mental, spiritual, emotional… all that no longer serves your subconscious wellspring gets flushed. This month we open the lid to pour out the remnants of matrix programming… this is going to be fun!!

  • October 9, 2022

    Jedi warrior of Light you are! Your physical body is an instrument by which you anchor bits of Higher Harmonics into this plane we call 3D life. New codes of photonic information are being showered upon us, and we, as energy beings absorb and deliver them to our sphere of influence. New sunlight, intense platinum waves of healing plasma shine on you, in you and through you. WE are the stewards of the Golden Age!!

  • November 8, 2022

    We have a total lunar ecplise hearalding in the Taurus Full Moon for this month’s ceremony. It’s big energy here! We focus on balance with this month’s resonation. Internal pH balance, as well as spiritual and mental balance are key as we navigate new territory. Our new reality is still speeding up, old paradigms are splintering and dissolving, so let’s find our footing by focusing on the Core of our avatar, our Divine purpose, and be reoriented.

  • December 7, 2022

    Nikola Tesla’s nod to the Magic of the numbers 3, 6 & 9 plus the energizing of the Zeal Point Chakra will blend into reality a newly empowered apporach to understanding our relationship with the Shared Dream. Manifestation hacks, Sacred burning power driven by the Goddess essence of Source Creator, and the interdimansional navigation tools made available by these is this full moon’s appointment.

  • January 6, 2023

    Our experience of time, schedules, calendar dates and the movement of life based on the structures we’ve been operating within are changing. This month we practice getting comfortable with the idea that our way of incrementalizing our participatory investment with life has been artificial and imposed without our direct knowledge. Well, you can’t know what you don’t know. We forgive ourselves for not knowing how to run before we can walk. Expanding our consciousness fields beyond the previous simulation into the much more dynamic and life supportive flow. Celebrating our innocence and gaining orientation upon new foundations.