Lime Light

Internal Balancing Process

Spark of Life

Shoot your Shot

Sprouts don’t overthink their growth. No rumination here, begin! Just do it! You carry the Divine Spark within you, and fresh new tendrils of creation are forming constantly within. If there is a sluggish feeling, or a bit of confusion about which direction to go, contemplate your navel, and find out what you can let go. Physically this points us towards a cleanse, and some raw foods, clean green sprouty salads, and lemon/lime juice in your room temperature water. Create space, life and balance in your midsection, and make room to grow!

Enzymatic Alchemy

Human biology is an incredible alchemical growth and processing machine. Our bodies are perfectly constructed and advanced living technology that will heal continuously with the correct balanced conditions. Enzyme processing is a great example within the frequency of Lime. Melting, metabolizing and turning raw materials into energy and cellular tissue. Raw foods have all enzymes intact and utilizable for your system, and sprouts are a perfect way to get pure Light and Lifeforce into the diet easily. Have you ever gazed upon the green flash?

Supplements to support pH balance, liver function and digestive cleansing.

Farming on your kitchen coutertop

It’s Sprouting Season