Your nonphysical team is talking…

Intuitive Services & Distance Healings

Objectivity is a blessing.

A fresh set of eyes offering a new perspective is priceless.

Your Higher Self is always leading you towards soul growth

Remote Services & Intuitive Readings

  • Introductory Consultation

    This complimentory service is for new guests only, and will assist with discerning which service is right for you at this time. We will find out together if my offerings are a right fit for you, and how you can be best supported today.


    15 Minute phone consultation & meeting

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  • Intuitive Reading

    Whether you have a specific question or situation in mind that you would like to gain clarity with, or if you are looking for a general open reading, you will be offered exactly what’s needed for you to hear at this time. Spirit already knows where to guide your attention, so trust the process and allow your inspiriation to be ignited!

    $155 -60 minutes

    $77 -30 minutes

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  • Comprehensive Distance Healing

    This treatment is the perfect option for a complete energetic reset. A focused remote energetic ceremony bathes you in universal white light, as I construct a personalized intricate crystal grid respresentation of your subtle bodies that you will recieve an image of so you can continue your process afterwards. Allow yourself 2 full hours of open space for this service including 15 minutes to prepare, our phone consultation at the conclusion, and some time to journal and integrate before rejoining the outer world.



    60 minute remote energy treatment

    Personalized Crystal Grid Image

    30 minute phone consultation

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