
Insightfull & Introspective


Indigo Nation

The Indigo Ray is powerful and intense. Indigo shakes things up by turning things upside down and inside out. Getting lost in meditation and losing track of time completely will show you how much your consciousness rules all the rest of your sensory experiences and that you do have the reigns in your control. Putting 100% of your attention into your Third Eye Chakra and holding this view, you will begin to experience life from a new perspective. Modern life has put roadblocks in the way of our full engagement with this energy center (by design, I’m afraid) so it’s important to make a focused effort to adopt certain practices that can decalcify and heal this important piece of our intergalactic anatomy.


Open Your Eye

  • Supplements and strategies for the decalcification of your pineal gland.


  • Meditation, visualization, and Bija mantra practices for strengthening the Ajna Chakra.

    Ajna Chakra

  • Crystals that associate with your Third Eye center, empower you, and increase your inner vision.

    Indigo Crystals

  • What are you doing while you are sleeping? Dream symbols and colors are potent messengers…
