Heart Healing Herbs

Many botanical allies are waiting in line to be added to your self love routine. The plant kingdom and it’s internal constituents have an intrinsic association with us because we as humans are of the Earth too! Building relationships with certain botanical friends will present you with a new way of interacting with the plant world as you bring intention to your communion with them. This meeting will begin the process of healing your heart since the deepest wounding in the heart space begins with the illusion that we are separate from the world around us instead of interconnected with All That Is. That said, certain herbs and plants are particularly suited to heal the physical and emotional heart. Enjoy the process of exploring!

Herbs and Foods for Heart Healing:

  • Cacao (raw)

  • Hawthorne Berry

  • Astralagus

  • Gotu Kola

  • Ginseng

  • Schizandra

  • Green Tea

  • Nettles

  • Horse Chestnut

  • Bilberry

  • Ginger

  • Rosemary

  • Dong Quai

  • Motherwort

  • Borage

  • Ginko Biloba