Gayatri Mantra

Meaning “Mother of the Vedas” the Gayatri Mantra is dedicated to the Sun, and of the Five Pranas, or senses. Recitation of this mantra is said to burn away the layers of impurities that cover the mind. Clearing our perceptions to reveal the unobstructed Truth of the Divine within our realm of existence.

Om Bhur Bhuvah-Svah,




Some translations are below, although, these expansive ideas are difficult to distill. Choose what feels best for you.

  • I meditate upon the Supreme Energy, who has the quality of playing in the creation of all the worlds, and who induces the most noble of thoughts within the hearts of All.

  • Oh creator of All, we meditate upon your radiance and your power to illuminate our intellect, destroy our ignorance and guide us in the direction of enlightenment by purifying our inner hearts.

  • You, who are the Source of all True power, who’s radiance Lights up the world, illuminate my heart so I may accomplish your work.

  • Let us commune with the Light of Consciousness that sustains all worlds, that it may inspire our liberation.