Flower Essences
Subtle vibrational remedies such as floral essences are created using a homeopathic type of process and thus contain no physical constituents of the botanical material, but the vibration or energetic signature instead. Flowers are geometric works of art and evoke emotions within our field just by simply existing. Flowers unfold in their own Divine timing, offering alluring fragrances that can be sensed through the channels of etheric awareness. That scent could be asthmatically undetectable, but our inner awareness will receive the message nonetheless. Meditation upon a flower by gazing at it, just existing with it for a few moments can help to reset the emotional body, but consuming the vibration systematically will be more powerful still. This is where floral essences can be incredibly helpful. These subtle remedies are easy to add to your daily routine, and can be utilized for children and pets as well! Let your inner awareness guide you, or follow the suggested choice for the type of healing you desire. Flower essences are very safe, and since they are vibrational in nature, may be taken without the concern of “overdoing it”. If you are no longer in need of a particular remedy, you will likely stop reaching for it. Learning to listen intently to the silent messages of spirit is just another way to learn from our friends the flowers.