Fasting- A Reset Button
Most of our energy is utilized in the digestive process. Fasting is a way to free up our natural energy sources to point to carrying out metabolic waste, and healing all of our body’s tissues. Age-old practices of purification always include fasting as an integral piece in the spiritual rites and pathways of Divine connection. All animals fast as a way to heal themselves naturally when hurt or ill. There are long fasts, and intermittent ones for instance, while we are sleeping. Our first meal of the day is called Breakfast for this reason. Below you will find ways to begin slowly, guidance on how to prepare, and ways to make it much more joyful and comfortable. Fasting is a Self-Love offering.
Extend your time between meals slowly at first by not eating anything after 6:00 pm. Then, wait until 9:00 am to have your first food. Boom! 15 hours down! Not so hard. Next, incrementally lengthen the time frame and before you know, it will feel very natural to give more and more open space to your digestive system. This is the easiest way to start, in my opinion. Water only here, or caffeine free herbal tea (organic only made with purified water, and not microwaved)
this type of fasting is more like a lifestyle adaptation, as it becomes a natural and preferred way of living
Juice fasting is technically not a pure fast, as there are materials within the juices that will stimulate digestion. However, this is a wonderful step 2 for gearing up to a longer water fast. You will feel satiated by having the nutrients, a big boost in your energy, and the fact that you will not be digesting fiber will allow your gut to heal.
*fruit contains a high percentage of natural sugars. This is still sugar for the body to deal with, so if you choose fruits for your fasting, keep this in mind so you dont overwhelm your system.
*adding vegetable juices is the best way to make sure you dont overload your body with a sugar rush.
*consider what you would eat if you were having the fruit or vegetable whole… you would not eat 10 oranges at one sitting, so the juice of 10 oranges all at once is not appropriate either.
*green juices are cooling, cleansing and alkanizing. You will notice quick changes in your body chemistry with this powerful medicine!
This popular cleansing fast was developed to clear and alkalinize your body while giving you some immune boosting, mineral rich and metabolism engaging nutrients in lieu of plain water fasting. You’ll get used to the flavor of the lemonade, and find you might just crave it naturally after giving this cleanse a try.
What you will need:
organic freshly squeezed lemon juice
high quality dark maple syrup
high quality cayenne pepper powder
Play with the ratios for your own taste/comfort, but here is a guideline:
10oz purified water
2 Tbsp lemon juice
2 Tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp cayenne pepper
This will be your most simple, but likely your most psychologically challenging fast. You will be sitting with yourself and your emotions in a way that you may never have done before. It’s wise to work up to this type of fasting so you don’t get frustrated and go bonkers leading to an inadvisable binge on something heavy to quell the cravings. Your gut bacteria could be saturated with the unfriendly type which will make you crave sugars, and you’ll think it’s you. It’s the gut microbiome getting mad because you’ve removed their food source. Work up to water only fasting so you don’t disappoint yourself. Be gentle, be nice, you deserve kindness.
always choose the highest quality water available to you
take your water slightly warmed or room temperature only
bless your water by using your heart energy to thank it for keeping you alive and healthy… create relationship with the consciousness of water