Crystal Cave

Earth’s Mineral Kingdom is so incredibly vast and awe inspiring, it would take a lifetime to fully grasp all the uses and energies they impart to us. There are new stones and crystal groups being discovered all the time! If you’re an exploratory and curious spirit like I am, you will never get bored when taking the journey to interact and connect with the mineral kingdom and all the gifts and insights these light beings have to offer us. Crystals act as a landing pad for extradimentional energies to speak through. A solid, steady grouping of coherent patterns that make it suitable for sending information through. When you create a relationship with your crystals and stones, you will begin to understand what I mean by this, as the downloads you will receive will be unique to you and the way you process information. What I’ve provided here is just the “tip of the crystal”, and a starting place to spark your imagination and creativity, but I expect that once you take that step into the Crystal Cave, you’ll be hooked.


Spectral Representatives

  • Protective, clearing and grounding. Find out more…

    Black Crystals

  • Root Chakra and circulatory system support…

    Red Crystals

  • Sacral Chakra support and emotional healing…

    Orange Crystals

  • Solar Plexus support and energizing attractors…

    Yellow Crystals

  • Heart Center healing and calming vibes…

    Green Crystals

  • Throat Chakrs support and expressive clearing…

    Blue Crystals

  • Crown Chakra opening , transformational and protective…

    Violet Crystals

  • Multi-functional and universal focusers of Light…

    Clear Crystals

  • Interdimentional portals of Divine information and Miracle activations…

    Iridescent Crystals


Shop for Crystals and Stones in Carlsbad Village at Village Rock Shop