Clean Your Lamp
What happens when Aladdin rubs the lamp? A genie pops out, and grants him wishes! You are a creator, and if you are creating through many layers of filters from the hurts of the past, you create these again, unfortunately by way of a clouded perspective. Good News! There are a great many, well vetted, powerful techniques to help you gain a clear mindscape, emotional field, and physical embodiment.
Creating Clarity
Top of the cleaning list is Clean Water, and enough of it each day.
Miracle Healer- You! Your body knows how to heal. Let it have the open space to speed up the process…
Conventional cleaning products are toxic, hormone disruptive, and unneeded… Force of Nature Home Units to the rescue!
Blank slates for focusing on pure Light
Kapal Bhati pranayama technique is designed to clear the mind, and purify the input filter
Skull Shining Pranayama
Clarity of thought and word builds the consciously created co-existence where All life thrives!