Clean Your Lamp

What happens when Aladdin rubs the lamp? A genie pops out, and grants him wishes! You are a creator, and if you are creating through many layers of filters from the hurts of the past, you create these again, unfortunately by way of a clouded perspective. Good News! There are a great many, well vetted, powerful techniques to help you gain a clear mindscape, emotional field, and physical embodiment.


Creating Clarity

  • Top of the cleaning list is Clean Water, and enough of it each day.

    Clean Water

  • Miracle Healer- You! Your body knows how to heal. Let it have the open space to speed up the process…


  • Conventional cleaning products are toxic, hormone disruptive, and unneeded… Force of Nature Home Units to the rescue!

    Force Of Nature

  • Blank slates for focusing on pure Light

    Clear Crystals

  • Kapal Bhati pranayama technique is designed to clear the mind, and purify the input filter

    Skull Shining Pranayama

  • Clarity of thought and word builds the consciously created co-existence where All life thrives!

    Well Wishes