Royal Blue

Authoritative & Direct


Strong & Succinct

Getting your head in the clouds might just be the best idea you’ve had! If you are feeling heavy, unsure and stuck, the frequency of blue might be your healing ray today. Spirit and inspiration are linked, and so lightening up like a feather floating on a gentle breeze could well be your visualization for change. Freeing the heaviness in your thoughts will give you true strength. Has your creativity gone dark? Time for lift off. Clearing your mind and your schedule will open the space needed for Spirit to send messages you can actually hear and see! Be direct with yourself with your inner conversation, dissallowing criticism. Do yourself the favor of releasing the tensions of the earthly realm, just for a bit. Sing with your favorite music, and really belt it out, or just focus on taking 3 really deep belly breaths. The exchange of air in the lungs will fill your body with Prana and extra oxygen as well as move your nervous system into a resting state. This is where inspiration hits!


Blue View

  • Blue pigments in nature are the most rare of all the colors, and super healing too!

    Blue Phytonutrients & Minerals

  • Meditations, visualizations and mantras for clearing and strengthening the throat chakra…


  • Stones and crystals with connection to the Blue Frequencies

    Blue Crystals

  • Writing is connected with the creative flow and mercurial pursuits. Free writing in your journal will get the wheels turning, and help you gain a wider perspective.
